
Class Schedule 2022-2023

Classes at Yoga Andresy Association in Andresy, France

Every Monday on ZOOM from 7:00pm to 8:30pm (classes are in French)

Saturday in-person classes : March 11, 2023 / May 20, 2023 / June 10, 2023

To sign up for regular classes or buy a class pass, visit: Yoga Andresy Association

For me, yoga is a way of life, a spiritual practice, and a way to heal. The world is made up of energy, and yoga helps us tap into the energy that is circulating through our bodies and environments so we can clear emotional blockages or just understand where our bodies and minds are at on any given day. Keeping our energy healthy keeps our body healthy.

I teach traditional hatha yoga classes combined with elements of kundalini, vinyasa and danse in individual sessions or small groups.

Classes consist of three parts:

Asanas (postures)

Pranayama (breathwork)
