Book release – July 22, 2021!

Hey everyone! Guess what? I co-authored a book. Pretty snazzy, right? The book is in French and it's called: J'ai Vécu la Même Chose que Toi (I Too Have Lived it). I wrote the book with 11 other young women, all under the age of 40, women that I had met at a retreat in the French Alps. 

We came together because one thing united us all: breast cancer. And we wanted to share our experiences with other women who have gone or are going through the same thing to tell them, "Hey! Your feelings are legitimate because the same thing happened to me!" But not just other women with breast cancer, also their friends, families and colleagues. Cancer does not just affect the patient, it affects everyone in their world, whether they know it or not. It's hard for women with breast cancer to be understood by people who haven't gone through the same ordeal as them. 

That's why we wrote this book. To tell everyone, with or without cancer, the things nobody dares to talk about. The fears, and the anxiety, and the shameful feelings we shut up inside of ourselves because we think we are the only ones that suffer from them. Well, guess what? You're not alone. We too have lived it.

The book is divided into 12 chapters in which each of us recounts some of the life lessons we learned from breast cancer. Something good can come of a 'terrible' situation and our book is proof that transformation is possible. For now the book is in French. Maybe someday it will be translated into English. However, if you would like to read an excerpt of my chapter in English, fill out the form on the contact page and I'll get that over to you in a jiffy.



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